Friday, April 23, 2010

Doctor Who Knew?

I've found enough tidbits about the Doctor that I felt like sharing with everyone.  With the new season underway and my continuous rubbing the noses of my American friends, a lot of interesting stuff about the Doctor is floating around the interwebs.

First, I came across a poll from my favorite time wasting website.  (Don't judge me.)  Here's a screen shot of the poll's standing.  Don't get me wrong; Matt Smith is not only looking good as the Doctor, I get the feeling that Matt Smith is going to be a GREAT Doctor.  It's just that you never forget your first Doctor!

On fire? Are you sure?
Next, I nabbed this from your own BBC Doctor Who page: Doctor Who video game!  Yaaaa!  Even better news?  FOR FREE!  Whoooooooooo!! No console wars, no marketing extravaganza.

 Being a gamer myself, I am  a little wary based on the looks and description.  They call it an adventure game, which is always a crap shoot.  Is it going to be a wildly fun ride on the TARDIS? Or is it going to be point and click frustration trying to find out what whatsit is supposed to go to who's whosit.

Hmmm, I wonder who might be in it.

Adventure games can be very frustrating; I remember one "adventure" game where I was stuck for hours because there was a tiny crack in the floor that was hardly visible.  But I haven't been disappointed by the Doctor Who franchise, and it's free, so I'll give it some leeway.  Hell, I'll give it a lot of leeway, because I'm just that nice.


I also spotted this fine TARDIS today. 

No home is complete without the TARDIS cookie jar! This geeky website is trouble enough on my wallet, even when it's not Doctor Who related.  I REALLY hope it's bigger on the inside.  Though I'm quite convinced that it's an elaborate plan for the Doctor to steal all our cookies. Then again, if that were true, I imagine a closet in the TARDIS filled with stale pastries and fruit cakes from Christmas. A thousand Christmases.  Shudder.

The exDoctor Tennant has his Hamlet show coming up on April 28th.

Why yes, I did take this picture straight from his page.  How can you tell?
  If I understand his website correctly, it's being aired in the States by PBS, a public broadcasting station.  They mention that it's "available on DVD in the UK" which I think is a polite way of saying tough luck.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Beast Below & Winston Churchill

Now, as most of you should know, my husband-to-be has created a time machine.  Just for me.  But since it's a prototype, the only thing we can get are Doctor Who episodes.  The theory bases itself on the fact that the Doctor has created such an impact on the space-time continuum, we can tap directly into his adventures.  And that's TOTALLY how I get episodes weeks ahead of other Americans.  Official statement.

So I've seen the second and third episodes of the season.  The second episode, The Beast Below, airs on BBC America this Saturday.  The UK (and my time traveling television) has already seen the third episode, but I won't mention the title due to spoilers (but you might have a clue if you follow my twitter). 

I'm still impressed with Matt Smith.  He's not the same Doctor that David Tennant was, but even in the canon he isn't supposed to be -- he's supposed to be "new" each time.

Right now, I'm more interested in Karen Gillian's character, Amy/Amelia.  They dropped a medium sized bomb about her, referring to an event from the recent canon. I'll be vague for two reasons: one, I don't want to spoil it, and two, I'm not exactly sure which incident they are referring to.  Look, it's a show about traveling through time in which you can't do things twice but he did that one time with Rose and than there was a point where 2 years was rewound, but some people remember it but there's also this alternate universe floating that I left around here somewhere.

In conclusion: wibbly  wobbly timey wimey.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

UPDATED: Eleventh Hour (No spoilers)

I just finished watching the new Doctor Who.  I'm so spoiled; I don't think it's going to air it for another week in the States.   Like I could wait that long.

No spoilers, but I like Matt Smith as the Doctor, and I definitely like the attitude coming from Karen Gillan.

When I saw Matt Smith (and forgive me for saying this) I had this strange feeling that he was going to be the "emo" Doctor. There was a picture that gave me this feeling, but of course I can't find it now. 

 No, wait, found it.

Matt Smith just looked so...sad?  Depressed? Uninteresting?  And the Doctor has been through a lot, so a reflective Doctor -- questioning his purpose and reflecting on how everyone he ever cares about DIES for the last 900 years -- didn't seem that far fetched.  Also, I'm American, so the habit of writers taking an amazing show and then destroying the very essence of it in order to make money is common, nay,  practically required over here.  

Here's my problem with Karen Gillan: she's funny, sassy, on Doctor Who, and younger.  So yeah, my problem is that I'm jealous.  It's the mean way of saying she's awesome and I look forward to the two of them. 

Bonus content: Read this quick (spoiler free) story about Neil Gaiman's experience watching the new Doctor Who titled "How to Mortify Your Daughter".  If you don't know who Neil Gaiman is, go buy his books, right now.  

Quick, Doctor Who outro!  Boooweeeoooo!!!!

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